Dom Smith

My name is Dom Smith and I'm a Data Scientist / Engineer, based between Brussels, Belgium + Edinburgh, Scotland.


Currently a Data Scientist at JetpackAI, with professional experience in Data Engineering, Machine Learning and loads of other general data-related things.
Joint PhD in High Energy Physics between Vrije Universiteit Brussel/ University of Bristol.

Previously based at CERN analysing TB of data with state of the art data analysis tools, used to search for signatures of new physics.

If you want to get in touch, contact me with my email below or through my Twitter.


Event classification for background suppression at the LHC, CERN

Together with three colleagues, we identified and developed angular variables sensitive to the major background in new physics searches at the LHC, CERN. Using Monte-Carlo methods, to generate simulated data, I investigated the sensitivity of such variables in classifying events as originating from multijet production. The first public results on this project are available here.
In the paper we demonstrate the motivation behind creating the variables and how they considerably outperform the current variables adopted in such searches at CERN.

Besides my research, I enjoy working on several side-projects. Most of which are accesible on my GitHub.

A wrapper around Apache Spark, where one can submit simple spark jobs.


A Pandas orientated data analysis framework that interacts with ROOT data objects. Common examples transform data from a ROOT TH1 Histogram to a Pandas DataFame.


A short Twython based framework to scrape data off Twitter related to Arsenal.




Twitter: @domsmif

LinkedIn: Dominic Smith